Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I sat naked, the shadows dancing around me, a sense of trepidation, such as one feels when contemplating trying on an old jacket, that one fears doesn't fit right.
My ajna formed a pool of shadows, inky and black, and oh so scary.
Here I am though, and really, I am prepared to handle any boogie boo boo (so I tell myself.)
I leap through the pool, my meat sitting chanting some meaningless something or other.
I leap through the pool and...suddenly I am face to face with a man with long red hair, and wearing a severely cut three button suit. He has a pin of a bright jade grasshopper on his lapel.
At the same time, he is this egg, of rainbow coloured slick, and also he is just horrible, but that is my hang up and not his.
He is smiling like he just dosed me with acid, and for some reason, he reminds me of Che Guevarra.
"Would you like some wine?" he asks, then all of a sudden he becomes liquid information, and the room starts to pulse, to a drum beat, then we are at a table playing dominos He nods, and laughs, and I find, I rather like him. He is dangerous, but coming from the ghetto, where EVERYONE had a gun, and was kinda crazy, I could deal with that, it was more a matter of understanding that there were absolutely no rules here, and in the absence of rules, manners take over.
We conversed in a high pitched sing song language, I felt like my brain was melting, and orgasming at the same time, then, all of a sudden, the body reasserted itself, and there I was in a dark dark room, with wine on my lips and a smile in my heart.

Monday, November 16, 2009


On some days, it's pretty dangerous in here.
I spin in circles widdershins, nine times in total, with each swoop things blur more and more.
Faces and shapes come out of the aethyr, and as we pierce the lingual-glottal level, we hear a distinct chuckle.
Next comes the cold splash of the pool, Non-water like cold razor blades, its like your spine being stitched up by a mad, LSD-driven child. Cold comfort that it's not real.
Next we pass the interstitial meme-plexes, the dark desire beings, the porn monsters, the repressed reptillian slitch-screamers. It is in moments like these that you have got to have something to hold onto. Thus the aegyptian concept of a KA, or guardian spirit comes in pretty damned handy. Mine is the twin eaten at birth. She is a big spider mama, a dancing dream of blood and pumping rage. She does the job well, keeping off the inconsequential, but very deadly sub-conscious crawlies.
Suddenly I am through. An orange moon hangs in the east, huge, and so close that you can see the rabbit in it, bathing the world with a light that is not light.

Here is Daath, the crossroads.
I see them staring, three women, attached at their backs. one of them making the thread, the other weaving, and the last cutting, so kind, so beautiful and warm, I am fucking terrified by them on one level, and on another they are as mundane as apple pie. They stand on a pedestal, in a moonstruck pool, if you looked into it for too long, you would see all the way through the whole she-bang. The dome of the sky around me crackles with half seen faces, and it is truly like a dome, the darkness is almost crystaline. From the kindly sisters, we see paths, at first three, then eight, nine, a hundred, a billion, refracting on and on. In the center, next to the pool, a bench, and a veiled woman, her dress all reds, blacks and purples, she is pale, but black, and she smokes a cigar. I kiss her lips, and they taste old. I tell her why I am here, and that I am willing to pay the price, which is always in blood. I offer her that time, when I was 19 and cut my arm down to the bone, spilling my essence in a circle around her, Pain I have plenty of, and to her all times are one, she cackles and kisses me, grants my request and then I am here, writing to all you lovely people.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Axis Mundi crossroad dance.

In the middle of the night I awaken, consumed by fear, my vision is blurred by sleep, all around me are moving shapes of differing variances, darkness and light interplaying. My breath catches in my throat as I try to calm myself down. I have no idea where I am, the ground beneath me is cold, and it gives a bit. I sit up, my vision finally clearing and I see that I am in a field, the moon hangs above, sickly and yellow looking, and a slight breeze murmurs through bringing in whispers from places I don't know. I cannot tell how large the field is, but I do know that it is surrounded by a dark wooded hills; I can make out the shapes of swaying pines covering these hills, which seem impossibly high. I stand up and see that I am naked, the moon playing wierd shadows across my body, I start to head for the center of the field, walking through brambles, which tear at my legs, In the center of the field is a pool; it is solid black, but at the same time it seems to shimmer and flash a muted silver, It is highly reflective. I look into the pool and I see my face reflected, but it keeps changing, it becomes first an old man, then a child, then a woman, then something else, it grins at me, and suddenly a burst of wind pushes me from behind into the pool. The water is freezing and the bottom is slick with lichen and I fall further into it, all of a sudden the bottom is gone and I am sinking, falling in, as the water closes over my head, lights flash all around, and a drum beat starts thumping all around me. Consciousness starts to narrow as a sharp pounding pain fills my head. I go out.

I am not sure how long I am out but when I wake up, I am sitting on a cool marble bench. The bench sits next to an empty fountain, and in the center of the fountain there is a statue of a woman with four faces, each looking in a different direction. One face is enraged, one is laughing, one seems to be crying and the other seems to be in the thralls of orgasm. The fountain is surrounded by a large circular clearing with a huge, intricate mosaic of a spiral, and extending in every possible direction there are pathways that go as far as the eyes can see. The moon above is full and bright, lending a uniform brightness to everything. Sitting on the bench next to me is a woman wearing a fine but tattered dress, it is deep purple, and there is white lace at her throat and wrists, She is wearing a hat with a veil that covers her eyes and she is swigging from a bottle of rum. She leans over and whispers in my ear, words which havent been uttered for thousands of years and suddenly I know where I am at and who I am. I am at the crossroads in the center of reality, where yes and no, positive and negative, and light and dark become one. Suddenly out of the mouths of the statue, blood starts to flow, I am afraid and very aroused. The woman leans over and bites my bottom lip, drawing blood and points down a certain path. I stand up and start to run, as I do so, shadowy shapes form behind me, and I hear snarling and the sound of many feet. I see that the road ahead is crossed by a white veil, I leap through it and I am in my bed, safe, but in my heart of hearts I know, I remember the words she spoke to me, and I know that the path to the crossroads is as close as my own breath. Exhausted I descend into a dreamless sleep.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Im so bad at this blogging thing. It seems like life always gets in the way! Sometimes, we have to take time away from being a super-star Taro Masta and focus on other things. Well, imma back!
Today we will talk about the gunas. The gunas are three in number and stem from the Sanatana Dharma or hinduism as it is usually known. They represents a certain quality, or categorization that affects everything. They relate to maya; because they are in essence the product of the human mind, or Jiva. They are the turning of the wheel of life, or dharma, their affect can directly be seen in Atu 10, the Wheel of Fortune. Enough of all of this though; what are the gunas? They are known as Sattva, Raja, and Tamas, or holiness, action and sloth. Sattva represents everything that raises the human spirit: a new born baby, a sunset, a sculpture by Bernini, anything that makes a sigh from it's beauty. Raja is hard work, its labor, its effort and motion, it is anything that brings great change about in this world, the actions of kings and cripples alike. Tamas is the principle of rest; it is waiting for something to happen, it is that which has expended all of it's energy and now has floated down to the bottom. It is completely passive.

Now, there are a few ways to look at these; Sattva as tao, Raja as yang, Tamas as yin.
Or we can see them in a hegelian sort of way as Raja as thesis, Tamas as antithesis and Sattva as synthesis. In the tarot; We have Sattva as the Magician, Raja as the Emperor, and Tamas as the Empress. The Wheel of fortune describes their turning. The lovers describes the differences between them, and The art card describes their union. The main thing to remember is that despite how nice Sattva is, or how dull Tamas is, they are still Maya, the modifications of the human mind, and thus do not represent our goal. As a wise man said about the Wheel of Fortune. Seek to be like the hub of the wheel, and do not let the turning of the rim affect you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Card of the Day: Fortune

Woohoo Jackpot! today is a day to take risks! It is a time to expand your perception of what is possible and to leap before you look. Today is the time to definitely by a lottery ticket, or at least to reflect on how the winds of change are filling your sails. Wake up! Don't let life pass you by, least of all on a lucky-ducky day like today!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Card of the day: Six of cups

MMMM...French silk chocolate cake while your lover gently massages your feet. The six of cups is called pleasure, and the sort of pleasure that you come by honestly. This is the sort of thing that two consenting, loving, adults do when they are alone...or with friends. Today is a day to fulfill your own desires! This card is all about release of tension...if you know what I mean. So, find that special someone or someones, even if it is yourself...and release some of that tension...let the neighbors wonder what all that racket is!

ciao babies!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Card of the day

A solid dude. The emperor is like the godfather, if you scratch his back, he will scratch yours, but dont try to interfere with his business or he will lay it down on ya! Today is a day of personal power; of consolidating each of our little empires. If you don't have an empire...well today is your day to grab a piece of the pie! Now is a time to let your talents for organizing and leadership come to the forefront...whatever you do, do so with purpose and initiative, whether it is going for that big promotion, starting that dream project...or simply organizing the cd''s time to be Large and IN CHARGE!

There you go lovelies hope you enjoy!
